Teenage Girl Car Emergency Kit Gift

12:53:00 PM

I made this for my best friend when she got her first car. She really loved it and found it really handy on the road. This would be a great gift for girls who just got their license or a new car. The gift in all is very easily put together and customizable. The cost in all was about 30$ for mine but you can add or take away different items for your bag.

Here's the list of everything I included in the bag 
Everything is TRAVEL SIZED:)
Breath Mints
 Pain Killers
 Makeup Remover Wipes
Febreeze spray for clothing
 Nail Polish Remover
*Essie Nail Polish in Naughty Nautical
Extra Socks
Hair Elastics
Tide to Go Stain Remover
Baby Lips Dr. Rescue Chapstick
*L'Oreal True Match Concealer
Rimmel London small neutral eye shadow quad
Mini Panty Liners 
 First Aide Kit
Mostly Everything Listed was under 5 dollars and bought at my nearest Target

After arranging everything perfectly in this bag I was so happy with the result.
Let me know who your giving this adorable gift to!

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  1. Hi, thank you for posting this. I just passed my driving test in the UK and wanted to put together my own car kit for my car and you have given such a great example of what to include! =D Find me here: boldinorigin.blogspot.co.uk

    1. Thanks my friend loved it! Loving your blog!

  2. Doing this for my daughter who just bought a car!

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